
Edvin Ekström
Blockchain Developer

Contact Info

  • +46 73 516 08 60
  • LinkedIn
  • Github
  • Linköping, Sweden


  • 2022 - 2024

    Blockchain Developer


  • 2019 - 2022

    Social Studies Program

    Folkungaskolans Gymnasium

  • 2010 - 2019

    Elementary School


  • Swedish
  • English
  • German


Since two years back I have been interested in blockchain-technology and the development of Web3. I have acquainted myself with cryptocurrencies and NFT:s for the past years and the more I learn about this new blockchain-technology, the more I'm convinced it's here to stay. Therefore I want to be a part of this digital revolution more than ever. The education toward becoming a blockchain developer is merely the first step in my plan to contribute to this new technology into the future.

I am a stress-tolerant, creative and punctual 19-year-old who is curious to learn new things in life. My previous role as a youth leader has shaped my personality where I am social, outgoing and independent. I see solutions instead of problems and no challenge is too big.


Origo Group

Telephone Interwiever

At this job I interviewed private persons and companies in order to gather information purchased by companies or institutions.

2021 - 2022
Kanalkrogen Delimo

Kitchen Assistant and Pizza Baker

At this restaurant I made hamburgers and pizza for mainly tourists along Göta Kanal, together with other general tasks in a restaurant. The job was challenging, however I learned to control stress and to be punctual.

The Summers of
2019 and 2020
Stadium Sports Camp

Sport Instructor and Youth Leader

I led groups of young people and taught them to play Lacrosse at Stadium Sports Camp in Norrköping. The job suited me perfectly and i grew into the energetic, social and independent person I am today.

Professional Skills







  • Gaming
  • Economics
  • Sports
  • Series